Beautiful flowering plants, which are easy to grow in pots at home

Easy To Grow Flower Plant

If you are new to gardening and have a passion for growing potted flowering plants at your home, but you have to put in a lot of hard work and care to keep them growing and looking green, don’t be discouraged. We are going to tell you about some such flowering plants which you can plant easily and with very little care in the pots of your home and make your home smell beautiful with beautiful flowers. If you start gardening with these easy-to-grow potted flower plants, you’ll soon have a large flower garden that will boost your confidence. If you want to know which are the flowers that grow easily in pots, then definitely read this article till the end.

Easy to grow flowering plants at home

Given below are the names of some flowering plants which grow very easily in the home garden without much care. Let us know the names of flowers that grow easily:

Mogra Plant
Crepe Jasmine
Kaner (Nerium Oleander/Kaner)
Periwinkle Flower
Cosmos flower
Plumeria Plant
Daylilies Flower

Grow Marigold Flower Easily At Home

Marigold is such a flowering plant that can be grown very easily at home. Its seeds can be grown throughout the year in any season and on any soil. These plants grow well even in strong sunlight. One specialty of marigold flower is that by applying it, insects like aphids and mosquitoes stay away from the plant, which helps in keeping other plants safe from these pests.

Easy Growing Mogra Flower Plant in pot

Mogra is also one of the easily grown flower plants at home, whose flowers are very beautiful and fragrant. Mogra plant needs sufficient sunlight and water to grow easily. The plant grows easily even by planting the cuttings of the Mogra plant in the soil.

Hibiscus Easily Growing Flowering Plant

Hibiscus is such a tree that does not require much care to grow at home. It is a perennial flowering tree which once planted keeps on giving flowers for many years without much care. Sufficient sunlight is necessary for this plant to grow well, so it should be planted outside the house.

Adenium Easy To Grow Flower Plant

Adenium is also called Desert Rose because it grows easily in sandy places. You can also plant this plant in a pot or grow bag at home. Growing adenium plant does not require much care, just keep it in a sunny place and keep watering it from time to time.

Read Also: Some Amazing Health Benefits Of Drinking Water From An Earthen Pot


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