Brainstorming Tips for Coming Up With a Great Business Name

business name

Giving your business name is a big decision. The name you choose will be with you from the very beginning and will help shape the identity of your company. It’s important to choose a name that is both unique and meaningful, one that reflects the values of your business.

There are 15 things to keep in mind when brainstorming names for your business:

1. Keep it simple. 

A good business name should be easy to remember and pronounce. Avoid complicated words or phrases that might be difficult for potential customers to remember.

2. Be creative. 

Brainstorming with a group can help generate some great ideas. Try to think outside the box and create something unique that will make your business stand out from the competition.

3. Consider your audience. 

Who is your target market? What kind of image do you want to project? Choose a name that will appeal to your target customers and give them a positive impression of your business.

4. Keep it short. 

Long names can be difficult to remember and hard to fit on marketing materials. Try to keep your business name to one or two words if possible. You can use online tools like business name creator to get more ideas.

5. Make it easy to spell and pronounce. 

You don’t want potential customers to be confused about how to spell or say your business name. Choose a name that is easy to read and understand.

6. Avoid using initials. 

Initials can be confusing and difficult for people to remember. If you must use initials, make sure they are pronounced as a word (like “FBI” or “CEO”) so people will know how to say them.

7. Avoid using numbers. 

Numbers can be difficult for people to remember and spell. If you must use numbers, spell them out (like “twenty-three” instead of “23”).

8. Be aware of different meanings in other languages. 

If you are planning to do business internationally, choose a name that won’t be offensive or have a negative connotation in another language.

9. Choose a name that is not too similar to other businesses in your industry. 

You want your business to be unique and stand out from the competition. Avoid choosing a name that is too similar to another business or brand.

10. Make sure the domain name is available. 

Once you’ve settled on a name, check to see if the corresponding domain name is available. It’s important to have a strong web presence, so you’ll want to make sure you can get the .com domain for your business.

11. Make sure the social media handles are available. 

Along with a website, having a strong social media presence is important for businesses nowadays. Once you’ve chosen a name, check to see if the corresponding Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram handles are available.

12. Avoid using trademarked names or terms. 

You don’t want to get in trouble for using a trademarked name or term. If you’re unsure if a name or term is trademarked, you can quickly search online or contact an attorney to check for you.

13. Do a Google search? 

Before settling on a name, do a quick Google search to see what comes up. You don’t want to choose a name already associated with something negative.

14. Ask for feedback. 

Once you’ve come up with some possible names, ask your friends, family, and business associates for their opinion. See if they can remember the name and what they think it implies about your business.

15. Test it out. 

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential names, try them out in different situations. See how they look on your business cards, website, and marketing materials. Choose the one that you think works best for your business.


When brainstorming names for your business, it’s important to keep 15 things in mind: simplicity, creativity, your target audience, brevity, spell ability/pronouncability, avoiding initials and numbers, meaning in other languages, uniqueness, available domain name, and social media handles, trademark considerations, and testing out the name. Try to come up with something that is both unique and meaningful, one that reflects the values of your business.


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